News and updates from Education Works - providing innovative, effective
support programmes in reading, speaking, listening and maths.
In February 2011, Clare Reed and Gill Cartwright travelled to Bangkok to introduce Talking Partners and BRP to Harrow International School.
Harrow International School draws in students from a very wide area: some day pupils travelling 2-3 hours to and from school, and many others as boarding pupils. The school, pre-Kindergarten to 6th form, provides wonderful opportunities and facilities for learning in an English language based curriculum.
Clare and Gill trained a group of teachers and Teaching Assistants to develop students’ speaking, listening and communication skills and reading skills – particularly with those students who are learning EAL in the Primary and Secondary departments of the school.
Further communication with the school has indicated a positive response to the introduction of these interventions. We hope this will lead to accelerated attainment in speaking, listening, communication and reading – and impact on their wider education.