Education Works consultant Clare Reed

"a true source of inspiration"

Clare Reed our lead Speaking & Listening consultant. More>

Bespoke consultancy to address the speaking and listening difficulties faced by today's children.

TalkING across the curriculum

Talking Across the Curriculum is bespoke whole class cross-curricular support for speaking and listening. Primary practitioners will be able to plan effectively for speaking and listening, taking into consideration both language functions and structures. Talking Across the Curriculum (TAC) supports educationalists working to develop children’s oracy and understanding in all curricular areas.

TAC training is provided by Clare Reed, who creates a bespoke training package depending on the needs of your setting. The Talkit Resource Pack, with accompanying CD, includes over 100 strategies and ideas to get children talking, listening and working collaboratively. All activities are set out consistently. They are fully explained and include guidance on resources, other similar activities, skills addressed and useful source materials.

Who is it for?
Who delivers it?
How is it delivered?
Monitoring and assessment
Training in TAC

Talkit Resource Pack - buy online

Talkit Resource Pack - complete resource for teachers

Talkit is a complete resource for teachers and other adults working with children around speaking, listening and group interaction in primary schools and other educational settings.

Talkit provides a practical route for selecting and planning interactive activities, supported by high quality pictures, diagrams, maps and grids.

Each activity is clearly described, including how to differentiate, how it could be used across the curriculum, which skills children will use and develop through working with the activity and links to similar activities.

Order a copy of Talkit from the EW online shop. (opens in a new window)

For more information about our Speaking and Listening programmes, contact our lead Speaking and Listening consultant Clare Reed on +44 (0)7973 324335; or email